Our Projects

It is the mission of the Friends of the Eric Sloane Museum to assist in the preservation and interpretation of the Eric Sloane Museum and its collection, to encourage and promote visitation, and to enhance public appreciation of the legacy of artist and author Eric Sloane. Explore some of our past, present, and future projects – all made available through the financial support of our generous donors.

You’re just a click away from photographs and information on our completed projects:

Stone Wall Gathering Area

The Noah Blake Cabin

The Outhouse For The Noah Blake Cabin

The Annual Ringing Of The Bells

The Annual Trash Art! Show And Sale


The Noah Blake Orchard

In Celebration of Apples

New England stone walls

Eric Sloane’s Contribution to pilot training in WWII

Beautification of the grounds of The Eric Sloane Museum

Eric Sloane: For Spacious Skies

Eric Sloane Days

What will this crew think of next?

We’ve accomplished so much over the years – and none of it could have been done without your support – thank you for standing with us.