Images from Aware: A Retrospective of the Life and Work of Eric Sloane
Nearly everyone who has an interest in early American life and culture knows of Eric Sloane’s work. Although perhaps best known for his oil paintings of barns and covered bridges, Eric Sloane was also a successful author, illustrator, amateur anthropologist, meteorologist, and historian. A man of tremendous and varied talents, Sloane began his artistic career as a itinerant sign painter and became an accomplished artist elected to full membership to the National Academy of the Arts.

Born Everard Jean Hinrichs in 1905, Eric Sloane led a full and intriguing life. He created everything from “cloudscapes” while flying with Wiley Post (Amelia Earhart bought his first one) to over three dozen books covering early American life an culture. A highly successful fine artist, illustrator, and author – all within his lifetime.

Understandably, there is so much more to Eric Sloane’s story. A great place to start is Wil Mauch’s Aware: A Retrospective of the Life and Work of Eric Sloane, now available for purchase through our secure online store. Proceeds from the sales of Aware will benefit the Friends of the Eric Sloane Museum’s Noah Blake Cabin Fund. You can also view rare photographs and other research materials related to the life and work of Eric Sloane here. And of course nothing is better than planning a visit to the Eric Sloane Museum.