Treenware! Culinary utensils made from wood!
Original pen and ink illustration by Eric Sloane, N.A. Learn more about this most fascinating of American artists at www.friendsoftheericsloanemuseum.org
Friends of the Eric Sloane Museum
Preserving the legacy of Eric Sloane and the museum he founded.
Author and artist Eric Sloane (1905-1985) photographed outside of the newly built Noah Blake cabin, probably late summer of 1974. It appears that Eric has in his right hand several riven wooden shingles.
After a period of about a decade of being shuttered to public visitation, the Friends of the Eric Sloane Museum undertook a 4 year project of completely rebuilding the cabin, using as a template the cabin as drawn by Eric in his 1962 “Dairy of an Early American Boy: Noah Blake 1805”. You can read more about the cabin, and the book that inspired it here: www.friendsoftheericsloanemuseum.org/cabin