“…I can truthfully say that nothing during my life has impressed me so much as the sky.  It is my religion and my philosophy.  It is my cathedral, and I believe it to be a source of inspiration to anyone who wants to look upward.”     Eric Sloane  – How You Can Forecast the Weather p. viii

I am not aware of another statement made by artist Eric Sloane, nor made by someone referring to Sloane’s works, which so encapsulates his reverence for the sky.  It seems fitting, as we near the beginning of the 2014 season of the Eric Sloane Museum, to pause and reflect on the significance of Sloane’s sentiments.


The Artist Who Loved the Sky:  Cloudscapes, Weather, and the World of Eric Sloane

Programming and Events, 2014

The Eric Sloane Museum

Save these Dates!  Come and enjoy the many great events sponsored by the Eric Sloane Museum and the Friends of the Eric Sloane Museum. We look forward to seeing you this summer.

May 3rd– The Eric Sloane Museum will offer discounted admission in conjunction with the Connecticut Antique Machinery Association Spring Power Up on May 3rdfrom 10 to 4.  There will be demonstrations in pottery using a foot powered treadle wheel and bowl turning on a spring pole lathe on museum grounds.

May 17th – Opening of the 2014 exhibit The Artist Who Loved the Sky:  Cloudscapes, Weather, and the World of Eric SloaneFriends of the Eric Sloane Museum Hospitality Tent 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

June 14th – Connecticut Open House Day, 10 – 4.  Free Admission.  Children’s’ activities – create their own weathervane or lightning rod art piece to take home with them.  Art supplies will be provided.  Artist Joe Buda’s weathervane and lightning rod art on display.

July 4th – Annual “Ringing of the Bells” ceremony at 2 p.m.

July 26th – Opening reception for The World Above:  Artists Celebrate The Sky.  Friends of the Eric Sloane Museum Hospitality Tent 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

August 23rd – For Spacious Skies: A Day to Celebrate the Sky.  Meteorologist, Children’s games and activities, Mr. Jack Borden of the For Spacious Skies program, and more.  1-4 p.m.

September 26th, 27th & 28th – CAMA Machinery Weekend – Discount Admission.  Tool demonstrations with Joe Buda.

October 3rd:  Last Day for The Artist Who Loved the Sky:  Cloudscapes, Weather, and the World of Eric Sloane.

October 4th:  Talk by Eric Sloane biographer James Mauch – The Artist Who Loved the Sky:  Cloudscapes, Weather, and the World of Eric Sloane.  11 a.m.


The Board of Directors of the Friends of the Eric Sloane Museum work to preserve and to promote the legacy of Connecticut author, illustrator, and artist Eric Sloane (1905-1985). We work in concert with the state of Connecticut and the Eric Sloane Museum to develop programming and events held on the museum grounds throughout each season. Our board members receive no compensation and we are a welcoming and inclusive group.

Meet a board member! Jeffrey Bischoff:

The Board of Directors of the Friends of the Eric Sloane Museum work to preserve and to promote the legacy of Connecticut author, illustrator, and artist Eric Sloane (1905-1985). We work in concert with the state of Connecticut and the Eric Sloane Museum to develop programming and events held on the museum grounds throughout each season. Our board members receive no compensation and we are a welcoming and inclusive group.

Meet a board member! Jeffrey Bischoff:

Jeffrey Bischoff, Vice President. Jeff is the owner of Old Greenwich Consultants, a financial services recruiting firm. A graduate of Villanova University (BA, English), Jeff was head of recruiting for the UBS Private Bank after serving as the National Recruiting Officer for Citigroup’s private wealth management division, Smith Barney.
A published author himself, Jeff was moved by the works of Eric Sloane when he was given Eric Sloane’s Diary of An Early American Boy on a trip to Old Sturbridge Village in 1972. Sloane’s stories of early American settlers and their “Yankee ingenuity” inspired him to take up many hobbies that are still drivers in his pursuit of happiness: organic gardening, reading about and exploring stone walls, barns, farms, and American history. Jeff resides in Old Greenwich with his wife and two children.


The Board of Directors of the Friends of the Eric Sloane Museum work to preserve and to promote the legacy of Connecticut author, illustrator, and artist Eric Sloane (1905-1985). We work in concert with the state of Connecticut and the Eric Sloane Museum to develop programming and events held on the museum grounds throughout each season. Our board members receive no compensation and we are a welcoming and inclusive group.

Meet a board member! Barbara Russ:

Barbara S. Russ, Museum Liaison. Barbara is one of five children born to Roger and Cornelia Straiton from Bridgewater, CT. She graduated from Shepaug Valley Regional High School in 1975 and Americo Academy of Beauty Culture in 1977. When Barbara entered the museum world, she had been a licensed beautician, Dental Assistant, Teacher’s Assistant for Special Ed, and an EMT for an inner city camp for children. In 1995 Barbara was hired by the State of CT to be a Museum Guide at the Sloane-Stanley Museum and became the Museum Assistant in 1998, a position she holds today at the renamed Eric Sloane Museum.


The Board of Directors of the Friends of the Eric Sloane Museum work to preserve and to promote the legacy of Connecticut author, illustrator, and artist Eric Sloane (1905-1985). We work in concert with the state of Connecticut and the Eric Sloane Museum to develop programming and events held on the museum grounds throughout each season. Our board members receive no compensation and we are a welcoming and inclusive group.

Meet a board member! Lia Brassord:

Lia Brassord, Treasurer. Lia earned her B.A. in Economics at Smith College in 1983. She earned certification as an Employee Benefits Specialist at Wharton in 1985. In an interesting historic twist, Lia was Manager of Employee Benefits for The Stanley Works, New Britain, CT from 1985-1988 and also served as a Museum Educator for the Webb-Deane-Stevens Museum in Wethersfield, CT from 1988-1997. Additionally, Lia served as a board member for the Amherst Historical Society in Amherst, Massachusetts from 1998-1999. Currently, Lia serves as the Senior Assistant Director of Admission for Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, a position she has enjoyed since 1999.



You are needed as a member of the Friends of the Eric Sloane Museum. For a limited time, if you join at the Sponsor, Director, or President’s Circle Membership Level, you will receive a complimentary signed and inscribed copy of Aware: A Retrospective of the Life and Work of Eric Sloane. Help us promote and preserve the Eric Sloane Museum and get a great book as a bonus!


Thanks to New and Renewing Members of the Friends of the Eric Sloane Museum!

100% of your membership support in the Friends of the Eric Sloane Museum supports events and programming of the Eric Sloane Museum. You help to further the mission of the Eric Sloane Museum and to preserve and promote Eric Sloane’s legacy. Thank you!

New Members:

Bill Bachrach (Family)
Lia Brassord (Sponsor)
Nancy Buescher (Individual)
Carol Brown (Individual)
Nancy Hipsher (Individual)
Paul Kirsch (Sponsor)
Charmaine Sloane-Thacker ($500 donation)


Richard and Alice Mandel (Family)
James E. and Rebecca E. Mauch (President’s Circle)
James W., Edith M., and Elizabeth K. Mauch (President’s Circle)
Harold and Marie Stewart (Sponsor)

“Being a long time fan of Eric Sloane’s, I am excited about joining this group. Thanks for keeping his Legacy alive.”
-Recent Member of the Friends group


In honor of the theme established for the Eric Sloane Museum by the staff of the museum and the Friends of the Eric Sloane Museum for 2014, here is an example of what Eric Sloane termed a “cloudscape”.  He reasoned that paintings that depicted urban and rural scenes were called “landscapes”, why not call paintings of cloud formations “cloudscapes”?  Image used with permission from Aware: A Retrospective of the Life and Work of Eric Sloane.

Artist at Work

art42Another early photograph at the artist at work. Here Eric Sloane is examining a finished “cloudscape”, a term he claimed to coin for his paintings of just the sky with perhaps a plane flying through the cloud formations. From the photographers perspective, this cloudscape appears quite large, though not uncommon for the period.


Pictured below is pet sheep, Emmy Noether, sporting the latest in fashionable head gear – a style-enhancing, comfortable, well-made, adjustable baseball cap emblazoned with the log of the Eric Sloane Museum.  Get yours today through the Eric Sloane Museum of Kent, Connecticut, and show your support for this national treasure!