Pictured, Left:  Some of the younger artists of the 2013 Trash Art! Exhibit and Sale.  Pictured, Right:  Friends of the Eric Sloane Museum board member Bob Coppola was busy in the Friend’s Hospitality Tent helping to build toys with our youngest visitors.

          The quality of the art was nearly unbelievable!  What a fabulous event – the Opening Reception for the artists of the 2013 Re-use, Re-cycle, Re-Imagine, Re-purposeTrash Art! Exhibit and sale which runs through July 27th at the Eric Sloane Museum.  Twenty seven artists participated in the show, displaying nearly 75 pieces of art.  The level of imagination and skill on display is incredible.

   Many visitors came to the artist’s reception and to view the works of art on display

          I had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with several artists including Frank Self, Liz Tobin, Arista Baltronis, Patrick Purcell, Aiden Cherniske, Friends of the Eric Sloane Museum member Clayton Preston, Andrew Richards, Joe Buda, Molly Burke, and Heaven L. Darling.  Everyone was super excited to be a part of this event and the repose was so positive that the Friends of the Eric Sloane Museum are discussing having a 2014 Trash Art event that would explore next year’s theme of clouds and the sky.  More to come on this topic, I promise.

Always nice to visit with members of the Friends of the Eric Sloane Museum

            The Friends of the Eric Sloane Museum, along with the staff of the Eric Sloane Museum, extend our thanks to our artists, who did a marvelous job pitting their own interpretations, imaginations, and certainly skills to work to make the 2013 Trash Art! Exhibit and sale a success:

Marylyn Hendricks

Laurence Hendricks

Liz Tobin

G.R. Boggs

Barbara Egenes                                                 

Cyd Gorman

Arista Baltronis

Frank Self

Julia Spagnolo

Diane Mesagno

Patrick Purcell

Aiden Cherniske

Clayton Preston

Andrew Richards

Nicollette, Penelope, Julianna, Evan, Marco & Sebastian

Dayna Wenzel

Joe Buda

Lyn Priestman

Molly Burke

Heaven Darling

James Mauch

Edith Mauch


When Chinese firecrackers entered the scene, Independence Day bell-ringing vanished.  But the thought of church bells and farm bells and school bells and fire bells all clanging through the countryside seems best to catch the spirit of that first American day.  It would be fitting, it seems, to revive the bells of Independence Day.

                                                 -Eric Sloane, The Seasons of America Past A nice crowd joined us for Ringing of the Bells ceremony at the Eric Sloane Museum 

We recently returned from a wonderful trip to the Eric Sloane Museum to celebrate The Ringing of the Bells Ceremony on the museum grounds.  What a special event.  For those of you who have not had the pleasure of attending, it is a quiet affair – until the bells commence ringing at 2 p.m.!  We added an additional ring to the cacophony by bringing along a 300+ lb. brass Civil War-era locomotive bell to accompany the steel one which Eric had installed above the museum.

Kima and Brianna take their turn at ringing the Eric Sloane bell    

I hope that it [The Sound of Bells] might not only enrich the lore of Americana, but also, and perhaps more important, that it might enrich the lives of many young Americans.

                                                – Eric Sloane, The Sound of Bells

The Civil War-era locomotive bell with the Friends of the Eric Sloane Museum Hospitality Tent in the background.  Thanks to everyone who came to share the day!

            Wife Beth and daughter Edith helped to run the Friends of the Eric Sloane Hospitality Tent, an initiative launched by the organization earlier this year.  We handed out free soft drinks, lemonade, iced tea, snacks – and to keep with the season and the colors of the fourth, fresh strawberries and blueberries.  We had as much fun as the guests!

Edith and Beth Mauch take a turn at ringing the Eric Sloane bell

            Barb Russ gathered everyone to hear James Purdle explain the connection between Eric Sloane and bell ringing on the fourth of July.  Then, one by one, our guests were able to ring both Eric’s bell atop the museum and the locomotive bell, which I am sure brought some attentive and nostalgic ears alive in the town of Kent.  I met Dr. and Mrs. Peters, a lovely couple who joined The Friends of the Eric Sloane Museum at the family membership level (thank you!) and I enjoyed re-connecting with Dick Lindsey of the Kent Historical Society and meeting his lovely wife Charlotte, speaking with Davia Fink of the Kent Art Association.  There seems to be great buzz and anticipation for the upcoming exhibit and sale entitled Re-use, Re-cycle, Re-imagine, Re-purpose: Trash Art, which will open with an artist’s reception on July the 20th and run through to the 27th.  We have some fantastic artists exhibiting their creations and thank them for their time and amazing abilities.  We hope to see you for the reception and show!

Supporters of the Friends of the Eric Sloane Musuem

The Friends of The Eric Sloane Musuem is grateful for the support we receive from our members.  Thank you! 

President’s Circle

Jeffrey and Katrina Bischoff

The Cain Family Foundation

James and Rebecca Mauch

James, Elizabeth, and Edith Mauch



Bob Coppola

Amy Gillenson

Peter and Carol Kern

Cecilia Mullen

John Pennings

Toby Robinson

Michael Salvino

Harold Stewart

George A. Stickels



Lucy Ball

Bryan and Rachel Clothier

Linda and Ed D’Orlando

Ophelia Dahl and Lisa Frantzis

Izaak Davis

Mike and Kathy Kopach

Alice Mandel

Craig Marcin

Maureen O’Farrell

Dr. and Mrs. Peters



Michael H. Bird

Douglas Erwin

Sarah Ann Gallagher

Marieluise Hutchinson

Hattie Mauch

Clayton Preston

Toni Ann Presti

Scott Sheldon



Steve Lawrence




Barbara Russ

Museum Assistant

Eric Sloane Museum

(860) 927-3849

Eric Sloane Museum Seeking Entries for Trash Art Exhibit

Kent, Connecticut, May 27, 2013—The Eric Sloane Museum is currently seeking entries for the Trash Art: Re-use, Re-cycle, Re-Imagine, and Re-purpose exhibit being held at the Eric Sloane Museum from July 20th to July 27th. Local residents of all skill levels are encouraged to create art from re-purposed, recycled, discarded, or used materials. Prizes will be awarded in various categories including an under 18 category, and participants can even choose to have their artwork offered for sale to the general public.

Participants should deliver art to the Eric Sloane Museum between 10am and 4pm July 4-8; July 11-14; and July 18th-19th. Participants should expect to fill out a form with a description of materials used, name, and title of the piece. There is a limit of five entries per person. An opening reception will be held on July 20th from 11am-4pm. During the reception, Bob Coppola of the Friends of the Eric Sloane Museum will be holding a workshop for children and young adults entitled Making Toys From Discarded and Everyday Objects. The reception and workshop are free. Participants should also plan on picking up their works of art by July 28th.

The Eric Sloane Museum was built as a collaborative effort between Eric Sloane and Stanley Works of New Britain to commemorate the tool company’s 125th anniversary. Sloane is known to lovers of Americana as an artist and author who brought to life many forgotten customs and skills of past generations. In all, Sloane authored and illustrated over 38 books.

The Eric Sloane Museum is located in Kent, Connecticut on Route 7 (31 Kent-Cornwall Rd.) just north of the village of Kent and the intersections of Route 7 and 341. The museum is open Thursday to Sunday from 10am to 4 pm.


Press Release for Trash Art: Re-use, Re-cycle, Re-Imagine, and Re-purpose – exhibit, contest, and sale to be held at the Eric Sloane Museum July 20-27 (see posting below)

The Eric Sloane Museum in Kent is pleased to announce their latest exhibition entitled Trash Art:  Re-use, Re-cycle, Re-Imagine, and Re-purpose to be held at the Eric Sloane Museum from July 20th to July 27th.  An opening reception will be held on July 20th from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and during that time Bob Coppola of the Friends of the Eric Sloane Museum will be holding a workshop for children and young adults entitled Making Toys From Discarded and Everyday Objects.  The reception and the workshop are free.

Trash Art:  Re-use, Re-cycle, Re-Imagine, and Re-purpose is part of a series of events held on the grounds of the museum throughout 2013 that playfully explores the relationship between the Eric Sloane Museum and its environs, which was once the dump for the town of Kent. The Eric Sloane Museum is seeking entries for this exhibit and invites anyone to participate in this unique, thought-provoking artistic experience that celebrates the creative side of re-cycling.  Anyone of any age and artistic ability is welcome to participate and there is no charge to do so.  Participants in the Trash Art exhibit will need to create their artistic works from recycled, discarded, or used materials.  Prizes will be awarded in various categories including an under 18 category, and participants can even choose to have their artwork offered for sale to the general public.

For more information on the Trash Art exhibit, contest, and sale, please contact Barb Russ of the Eric Sloane Museum at 860-927-3849, or visit www.friendsoftheericsloanemuseum.org.

Trash Art: Re-use, Re-cycle, Re-purpose Contest, Exhibit and Sale @ The Eric Sloane Museum


The Eric Sloane Museum is seeking entries for their Trash Art exhibit.  We invite you to participate in a unique, thought-provoking artistic experience that celebrates the creative side of re-cycling by submitting a work of art that makes use of discarded materials.  Anyone is welcome to participate!

Participant Categories:  Under 18, Over 18, Professional Artists – Prizes awarded in each

Artistic Mediums:  Any form of art to be displayed indoors or out of doors

Requirements:  Art must be constructed from discarded, repurposed, reclaimed, or recycled materials.

When:  Entries must be submitted during regular museum hours July 1 – July 14th.  Opening Reception Saturday July 20th from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., show runs from July 20th-July 27th

Information:  860-927-3849


     The Friends of the Eric Sloane Museum welcome our newest member, Emmy, sporting the latest in fashionable head gear.  Suitable for a day on the farm or a night on the town, the “Eric Sloane Museum” hat shown is available through the Eric Sloane Museum.